What is HTML

Want Learn something about HTML  then you are in right place😉.

What is HTML
HTML is stands for hypertext markup language for creating web pages. HTML describes the structure of web pages. It consists of number of elements and this elements tells brwoser how to display the content.

A Simple HTML Document

See above!

1) <!DOCTYPE html>  :- defines tha this declaration is HTML 5 Document.

2) <html> :- root element of HTML page.

3) <head> :- contaim meta information about HTML page.

4) <title> :-  specifies title for HTML page .

5)<body> :- defines body and contain all the visible content of the web page.

6)<h1> :- use for defining large heading

7)<p> :- defines paragraph .

Whats are HTML Tags
A html tags are start with start tag having some content and end with end tag.


Thats the small introduction about the HTML and there tags we can leatn more about that in the future.

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