
Welcome totechnology category

Hi guys in this category we are talking about the technology and tips and tricks photography tricks, technical.

The best photo editing apps that available free on play store are
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom
Pixlr etc.

And we are going to talk about can editing photos like this 
Using Snapseed.
Snapseed’s UI can be a bit intimidating at first. But spend a couple of minutes with the app and you’ll soon master its gesture-based interface. 

 To add photos you just click on plus sign than import any image from your photo. Follow the steps carefully so that you can do professional like editing

1) Details option - go to tools select details option than select structure by dragging up and down and increase it to 100 by swapping toward right.this makes image more sharp and clear.

2) Tune the image - from tools go to tune image option select saturation by swapping up on screen and increase it according to you so I'm age can look color full.than swip down for ambiance option and increase it according to you.Now swipe down to select shadow and decrease it by swipe towards left to make good effect ( select bet 30 - 70 )

3) Vintage - go to vintage option as suggested in below Image.Now you  konw how to select different options and adjust them. So adjusts strength to zero and increase a little saturation.

4) potrrait - if your photo has human face than only you can able to use this option .After selecting this option increase the face lightning according to how your photo is looking.

5) Lens Blur - select lens blur option adjust accordingly.

6) Double exposure - click on plus below and add light effect for your photo . light effect can be downloaded from the Google . generally you have to type light effect for Snapseed on Google.

                                   After that you have to select the option right to the plus button and select to lighten option. Drag the effect any where according to your choice.and export it to gallary

Finally your photo editing is complete


DSLR like photography in mobile

Can you want click images like this

For DSLRike photography on smartphone you have to download an app from play store that is camera fv- 5. It's paid app can be downloaded from Google.and follow the steps given below

1) Install fv-5 camera app or you can download other camera app that give you all manual control.Now to have know the basic information about the the manual feature of the this camera app .if you see camera interface you will find the ISO .ISO generally mean that your moble screen brightness and if you want to click a better images without any grain than you camera ISO is must at least that is 100.

After that you have to know about give light and dark effect to image .if you are in area having much light you can adjust it to low and your in area of low light you have to just increase it.

Now the shutter speed. The shutter speed is that for what time your your camera open and capture the light .if you want to click long exposure images you just have to set the shutter speed for 10 to 20 or more second.But if you want to click normal images than set shutter speed to auto.for you must have a tripod to don't get a blurry images.

Now it's time to take images .stop stop stop before going for clicking images must watch this video.and try to click close up so images can be more clear .

Download Snapseed app to give some touch up to clicked images
Now you can able to click images like this

Increase hair thickness and decrease hair fall tips and trick

today guys I am going to talk about how to decrease hair fall and increase strength and thickness of hair. I will tell you about my experience when I was losing my hair then what could I do see below
1) buy a capsule of Evion 400 from you are nearly medical store it cost 20 to 25 rupees.

2) take out one capsule and make hole from any sharp thing and take out the liquid present inside the capsule mix this liquid to any oil you are using I will recommend you to use coconut oil.

3) mix both and apply on your hair deeply . after 4 to 5 hours wash you hair with shampoo.

Use this 3 time in a week and after one month you will get the results
Thanks 😘
For any help please comment we will reply with hour

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