Engineering Notes PPS (UNIT-3)

Hey sem 1 guys i think you need notes of pps according to syllabus. Here you get the pdf of unit 3 notes of pps. 

Topic covered : Introduction to array(1D,2D), Character Array and String,Basic Algorithm: Searching, Basic Sorting Algorithm(Bubble, Insertion And Selection), Finding Root Of The Equation, Finding The Notion Order of Complexity by Example Program.
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Introduction to Array.

Array is a variable that can store multiple values.It is defined as the collection of similar type of data items stored at contiguous memory location.The array is simple data structure where each data element can randomly access using it's index number.
More about array - click here

Character Array and String.

A character  Array   is collection of variable of "char" datatype. String refers to the sequence of string represented as a single data type.
Major thing is the difference between them :-
These are some of the difference between them. You must know all difference between these two because CSVTU always ask for the difference between character Array and String.

Basic Algorithm Searching

Searching is the technique to check for an element or retrieve an element from data structure where they are stored. This algorithm is generally divide into two categories
1) sequential search
2) Binary search
Check out Notes- 
More info- 
1) Linear search - click here
2) Binary search - click here


Sorting is generally rearranging the elements according to a comparison operator in ascending and descending order.
More info and codes - click here

 Thank you 😊.

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